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    Editorial Board

    Hung Yun Lin
    Program for Cancer Biology and Drug Discovery
    Taipei Medical University

    Research Interest: Signal Transduction, Steroid Hormones,Anti-Cancer Activities,Resveratrol and Derivatives

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    Abdeslem El Idrissi
    Department of Biology
    City University of New York

    Abdeslem El Idrissi is a professor of Neuroscience and a Deputy Chair of the Biology Department at the College of Staten Island. He is also a Director of the Medical Technology Program and holds an appointment at the Graduate Center of the CUNY in the Neuroscience subprogram. Dr. El idrissi’s research interest focuses on the developmental maturation of the GABAergic system and the developmental disabilities associated with the abnormal development of this system.  Thus the research interest has broadened to include physiological function where the inhibitory system plays a critical role. Professor El Idrissi’s research lab has shown that fragile x mouse model has a delayed maturation of the GABAergic system. Additionally, this mouse model shared a significant neurobiology with autism which extended the research interest to this area. Specifically, how environmental toxins play a role in the etiology of autism. Dr. El Idrissi’s lab has also a long standing interest in the study of taurine and its physiological functions on the brain and other organ system.

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    Dr. Walter Fabricio Silva Martins
    Senior Lecturer at Universidade Estadual da Paraíba, Brasil & Associate researcher at Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine / Wellcome Trust fellow
    Department of Biology, CCBS & Department of Vector Biology , LSTM
    Universidade Estadual da Paraíba, Brazil & Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK.
    Brazil and United Kingdom

    I am a molecular biologist who specialises in controlling insects that spread deadly or debilitating diseases like malaria, dengue, and zika.  After studying in Brazil, I received my training at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine - LSTM and in 2015 was awarded PhD in Tropical Medicine from the University of Liverpool.  After graduation, I returned to Brazil to set up and lead a research group at the Universidade Estadual da Paraíba - UEPB. Currently, my group focused on identifying genetic mutations that arise when mosquitoes develop resistance to the insecticides we use to control them. This forms part of a country-wide disease management strategy, and the results we generate are used to monitor populations for developing resistance, which directly feeds back to the ministry of health decision-makers. Recently, I re-join the Department Vector Biology at LSTM as associate researcher / Wellcome Trust fellow where now I lead a project, which addresses the impact of insecticide resistance and adaptation of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and how this contributes to their transmission of arboviral diseases in Brazil.

    Research Interest: Evolutionary Genetics of insecticide resistance, Vector-borne diseases and integrative approaches for vector control.


    A.    Wellcome Trust Fellowship - Training Fellowship in Public Health and Tropical Medicine / Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. 2018-2022 -Funded: £ 312,914, (PI).

    B.    Genômica da resistência a inseticidas químicos: impacto no controle de populações do mosquito Aedes aegypti no estado da Paraíba. 2018-2020. Funding: PROPESQ/UEPB, R$: 15,000.00 - Grant number:, (PI).

    C.    Entomologial investigation to access vectorial competence and risk of ZIKV amplification in Pernambuco state. 2016-2018. Funding: FACEPE. R$: 192,000.00, (Co-PI).

    D.    Thermal ecology of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae): implication for development and adaptation. PROPESQ/UEPB. 2016-2018. Funded: R$10,000.00, (Co- PI).

    E.    Developing a molecular diagnostic method to identify simultaneous infections of Zika, dengue and chikungunya in field-caught Aedes aegypti mosquitoes using qPCR-multiplex. UEPB. 2016-2018. Funded: R$ 350,000.00, (Co-PI).

    F.    Personal PhD fellowship. Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). 2012-2015. Funded: £ 163,000.00, (PI).

    G.    Spatial-temporal genetic diversity in Aedes aegyptipopulations from Campina Grande, Brazil. PROPESQ/UEPB. 2010-2012. Funded: R$ 15,000.00, (PI).

    H.    Effect of temperature in Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicide) populations and Dermestes maculatus DeGeer (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) from three mesoregion of the Paraíba State: Implications for medical and forensic entomology. 2010-2012. PROPESQ/UEPB. Funded: R$ 40,000.00, (Co- PI, 50% ownership).

    I.    Georeference and population genetics in Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae) resistant to temephos. 2008-2010. PROPESQ/UEPB. Funded: R$ 15,000.00, (Co- PI).

    J.    Determinant factors for density and permanence of Aedes(Stegomyia) aegypti in urban environment in Paraíba State. OMS/OPAS. 2005-2008. Grant award to UEPB,__BR/LOA/050008.001/2005; R$ 50.000,00, (Co-PI).

    K.    Personal Masters` fellowship. 2004-2006. Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). Funded: R$24,000.00, (PI).


    List of Publications:

    A.     Martins, W F. S., Pereira, B. N. S., Alves, A. T. V., Murphy, A., Martins, P. G. S., David Weetman, Craig Stephen Wilding6, Martin James Donnelly. (2019) Development and Application of a Tri-allelic PCR Assay for Screening Vgsc-L1014F Kdr Mutations Associated with Pyrethroid and Organochlorine Resistance in the Mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus. Parasites & Vectors, 201912:232. 

    B.       Martins, W. F. S., Wilding, C. S., Isaacs, A. T., Rippon, E. J., Mawejje, H. D., Megy, K., Donnelly. M. J. (2018) Transcriptomic analysis of insecticide resistance in the lymphatic filariasis vector Culex quinquefasciatus. bioRxiv 589028; doi: Scientific Reports, under review.

    C.    Martins, W. F. S., Wilding, C. S., Steen, K., Mawejje, H., Antão, T. R., Donnelly, M. J. (2017) Local selection in the presence of high levels of gene flow: Evidence of heterogeneous insecticide selection pressure across Ugandan Culex quinquefasciatus populations. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 11(10), p.e0005917.

    D.    Martins, W. F. S., Subramaniam, K., Steen, K., Mawejje, H., Liloglou, T., Wilding, C. S., Donnelly, M. J. (2017) Comparative Analysis Methods for Inference of Copy Number Variation in the Voltage-gated Sodium Channel Gene of Culex quinquefasciatus Mosquitoes. Scientific Reports, 7(1), p.5821.

    E.    Steffler, L. M., Dolabella, S. S., Ribolla, P. E. M., Dreyer, C. S., Araujo, E. D., Oliveira, R. S., Martins, W. F. S., Santos, R. La. C. S. (2016) Genetic variability and spatial distribution in small geographic scale of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) under different climatic conditions in Northeastern Brazil. Parasites and Vectors, 9:530. DOI 10.1186/s13071-016-1814-9.

    F.    Gambarra, W. P. T., Martins, W. F. S., Filho, M. L. De L., Albuquerque, I. M. C. De., Apolinário, O. K. Dos S., Beserra, E. B. (2013) Spatial distribution and esterase activity in populations of Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linnaeus) (Diptera: Culicidae) resistant to temephos. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical 46, p. 178-178.

    G.    Castro Jr, F. P. De ., Martins, W. F. S.; Filho, M. L. De L., Almeida, R. P. De.; Beserra, E. B. (2013) Ciclos de vida comparados de Aedes aegypti (Diptera, Culicidae) do semiárido da Paraíba. Iheringia. Série Zoologia. 103, p. 118-123.


    More Info.
    Gassan Hodaifa Meri
    Associate Professor
    Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemical Engineering
    Pablo de Olavide University

    Research Interest: Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Wastewater Treatment, Biomass Growth, Kinetic Growth Study, Microalgae, Enzymatic Technology, Advanced Oxidation Processes, Adsorption, Ion Exchange, Membrane Technology).

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    Jing Jia
    Associate Professor
    Centre for Molecular Medicine
    Zhejiang Academy of Medical Sciences

    Research Interest:  Molecular biology and bio-medicine research, Tumor biology


    2019    Grant:Exploration of the interaction between Skp2 and Ku70 proteins and its function in cervical tumor proliferation, grant NO.81802622.

    Awarded by Chinese National Natural Science Foundation for Young Scientists (2019/01-2021/12)

    2018      Grant: Exploration of the interaction between Skp2 and Ku70 proteins and its function in cervical tumor pathology, grant NO. LY18H160067.
    Awarded by Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (2018/01-2020/12)

    2016      Grant: Exploration of the interaction between Skp2 and Ku70 proteins and its function in tumor pathology, grant NO. 2015KYB09.
    Awarded by grants for Medical and health science and technology plan of Zhejiang province (2016/01-2018/12)

    2012      Grant: Screening of peptide targeting skp2 for tumor therapy, grant NO. LQ12H16013.
    Awarded by Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (2012/01-2014/12)

    2011      Grant: Identification of the peptide targeting for Skp2, grant NO. 2011KYB005.
    Awarded by grants for Medical and health science and technology plan of Zhejiang province (2011/01-2013/12)

    2011      Grant: Establishment of a pancreatic β cell proliferation model in vitro and a platform for diabetes drug screening, grant NO. 2011R10070.
    Awarded by Qianjiang Talent project of Zhejiang province (2011/01-2013/12)

    List of Publications:

    1. Zhenyu Jia#, Jing Jia, Shuzhi Zhang &Jiang Cao*. CMV enhancer may not be suitable for tissue-specific enhancement of promoters in cancer gene therapy. Cancer Gene Therapy, 2019; doi: 10.1038/s41417-019-0106-x. [Epub ahead of print]

    2.  Jing Jia#, Juan Ren, Yihui He, Zhenyu Jia, Shenglin Ma, Xiaoju Wang, Xiaoming Sun. The prognostic value of Skp2 expression level in cancer: a meta-analysis. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 2018; 11(2):431-444.

    3.  Xiaoming Sun, Hongxing Cai, Zhouru Li, Shanshan Li, Wenjiang Yin, Guokai Dong, Jinxia Kuai, Yihui He, Jing Jia*. Association between IL-1b polymorphisms and gastritis risk: A meta-analysis. Medicine (Baltimore), 2017; 96(5): e6001.

    4.  XinMin Pan, X. Xiao, Haojie Qin, Zhen Zhang, Zhaohui Li, Linbo Gao and Jing Jia*. MicroRNA variants and colorectal cancer risk: a meta-analysis. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2016; 15 (3): gmr.15038478.

    5.  Jing Jia#, Juan Ren, Dongmei Yan, Long Xiao, Ruifen Sun*. Association between the XRCC6 Polymorphisms and Cancer Risk: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Medicine (Baltimore), 2015; 94(1):e283.

    6.  Jing Jia#, Wenzhe Wang#, Wen Meng, Mingjian Ding, Shenglin Ma*, Xiaoju Wang*. Development of a multiplex autoantibody test for detection of lung cancer. PLoS One, 2014; 9(4):e95444.

    7.  Xinmin Pan#, Jing Jia#, Xiaomin Guo, Zhaohui Li, Zhen Zhang, Haojie Qin, Guohui Xu, Linbo Gao*. Lack of association between let-7 binding site polymorphism rs712 and risk of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Familial Cancer, 2014; 13(1):93-97.

    8.  Jing Jia#, Xiaoli Liu#, Yongxia Chen, Xiaoliang Zheng, Linlan Tu, Xiaoming Huang, Xiaoju Wang*. Establishment of a pancreatic β cell proliferation model in vitro and a platform for diabetes drug screening. Cytotechnology, 2014; 66(4):687-697.

    9.  Lin Cui#, Jing Jia#, Chunfen Ma, Suyun Li, Youping Wang, Xiaomin Guo, Qiang Li, Haibin Yu, Weihong Liu, Linbo Gao*. IL‐13 polymorphisms contribute to the risk of asthma: A meta-analysis. Clinical Biochemistry, 2013; 45(4-5): 285-288.

    10. Zhaohui Li, Xinmin Pan, BaoWei Han, Xiaomin Guo, Zhen Zhang, Jing Jia*, Linbo Gao*. A let-7 binding site polymorphism rs712 in the KRAS 3' UTR is associated with an increased risk of gastric cancer. Tumour Biology, 2013; 34(5):3159-3163.

    11. Song Zheng; Keer Huang; Jing Jia; Xin Li; Deyou Tao. Rhabdomyosarcomatous differentiation in gastrointestinal stromal tumors after imatinib resistance: a potential diagnostic pitfall.  Experimental Biology and Medicine (Maywood), 2013; 238(1):120-124.

    12. Song Zheng, Jing Jia, Yuelong Pan, Deyou Tao, Hongsheng Lu. Molecular and histologic characteristics of secondary imatinib-resistant gastrointestinal stromal tumors. Zhonghua Bing Li Xue Za Zhi, 2013; 42(1):42-43.

    13. Song Zheng, Xiaoju Wang, Jing Jia, Yuelong Pan, Deyou Tao, Hongsheng Lu, Heer Huang. Establishment and pathologic analysis of imatinib-resistant gastrointestinal stromal tumor xenografts. Zhonghua Bing Li Xue Za Zhi, 2012; 41(3):176-180.

    14. Linbo Gao; Peng Bai; Xinmin Pan; Jing Jia; Lijuan Li; Weibo Liang; Ming Tang; Lushun Zhang; Yonggang Wei; Lin Zhang.The association between two polymorphisms in pre-miRNAs and breast cancer risk: a meta-analysis. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 2011; 125(2):571-574.

    15. LinBo Gao# , XinMin Pan# , Jing Jia# , WeiBo Liang , Li Rao, Hui Xue, Yi Zhu, ShiLiu Li, MeiLi Lv, Wei Deng, Tian-Yi Chen, YongGang Wei, Lin Zhang*. IL-8 -251A/T polymorphism is associated with decreased cancer risk among population-based studies: Evidence from a meta-analysis. European Journal of Cancer, 2010; 46 (8):1333–1343.

    16. Jing Jia #, Hong Li, Shuhong Tai, Meili Lv, Miao Liao, Zhihui Yang, Beilei Zhang, Bin Zhou, Gengqian Zhang, Lin Zhang*. Construction and Preliminary Investigation of a Plasmid Containing a Novel Immunotoxin DT390-IL-18 Gene for the Prevention of Murine Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis. DNA and Cell Biology, 2008; 27(5): 279-285.

    More Info.
    Vincenzo Bramanti
    Teaching Assistant
    Department of Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences
    University of Catania

    Research Interest: Biochemistry, Neurobiology,Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Biochemistry, Clinical Molecular Biology

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    Postdoctoral researcher
    Weill Cornell Medical College, New York
    United States of America (USA)

    I have completed my PhD from National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi, India in 2016 in microbiology and molecular biology feild. Soon after that I have joined Weill Cornell Medical College, New York in June 2016 and working in the field of metabolomics to understand the immunological insults and adaptations happening during TB infection. I have identified various metabolic signatures and important mechanism to enhance the therapeutic potential of anti-TB drugs and therapies. I am expert in microbiology, genetic engineering, metabolomics, molecular biology, drug target identification, drug screening, drug development, in vivo drug testing and identification of metabolic bio-signature (Biomarkers).

    Research Interest: Microbiology, Immunology, Metabolomics, Metabolism, Drug Development, Assay Development, and Molecular biology


    List of Publications:

    First author papers: Total 3
    1. Soni V, Upadhayay S, Suryadevara P, Samla G, Singh A, Yogeeswari P, Sriram D, Nandicoori VK. Depletion of M. tuberculosis GlmU from Infected Murine Lungs Effects the Clearance of the Pathogen. PLoS Pathog. 2015 Oct 21;11(10):e1005235.

    2. Soni V, Suryadevara P, Sriram D; OSDD Consortium, Kumar S, Nandicoori VK, Yogeeswari P. Structure-based design of diverse inhibitors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate uridyltransferase: combined molecular docking, dynamic simulation, and biological activity. J Mol Model.2015 Jul;21(7):2704.

    3. Jagtap PK, Soni V*, Vithani N, Jhingan GD, Bais VS, Nandicoori VK, Prakash B. Substrate-bound crystal structures reveal features unique to Mycobacterium tuberculosis N-acetyl-glucosamine 1-phosphate uridyltransferase and a catalytic mechanism for acetyl transfer. J Biol Chem. 2012 Nov 16;287(47):39524-37. * First Co-author.

    Middle author papers: Total 9
    4. Suryadevara P, Yogeeswari P, Soni V, Devi PB, Nandicoori VK, Sriram D. Computational Sampling and Simulation Based Assessment of Novel Mycobacterium tuberculosis Glutamine Synthetase Inhibitors: Study involving Structure Based Drug Design and Free Energy Perturbation. Curr Top Med Chem. 2015 Aug 25.

    5. Parthiban Brindha Devi, Jonnalagadda Padma Sridevi, Shruti Singh Kakan, Shalini Saxena, Variam Ullas Jeankumar, Vijay Soni, Hasitha Shilpa Anantaraju, Perumal Yogeeswari, Dharmarajan Sriram. Discovery of novel lysine ɛ-aminotransferase inhibitors: An intriguing potential target for latent tuberculosis. Tuberculosis. 2015, PII:S1472-9792 (15)20720-2

    6. Petersen GO, Saxena S, Renuka J, Soni V, Yogeeswari P, Santos DS, Bizarro CV, Sriram D. Structure-based virtual screening as a tool for the identification of novel inhibitors against Mycobacterium tuberculosis 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase. J Mol Graph Model.2015 May 11.

    7. Pulla VK, Sriram DS, Soni V, Viswanadha S, Sriram D, Yogeeswari P. Targeting NAMPT for Therapeutic Intervention in Cancer and Inflammation: Structure-Based Drug Design and Biological Screening. ChemBiol Drug Des.2015 Apr 7.

    8. Sridevi JP, Suryadevara P, Janupally R, Sridhar J, Soni V, Anantaraju HS, Yogeeswari P, Sriram D. Identification of potential Mycobacterium tuberculosis topoisomerase I inhibitors: a study against active, dormant and resistant tuberculosis. Eur J Pharm Sci. 2015 May 25;72:81-92.

    9. Janupally R, Jeankumar VU, Bobesh KA, Soni V, Devi PB, Pulla VK, Suryadevara P, Chennubhotla KS, Kulkarni P, Yogeeswari P, Sriram D. Structure-guided design and development of novel benzimidazole class of compounds targeting DNA gyraseB enzyme of Staphylococcus aureus. Bioorg Med Chem. 2014 Nov 1;22(21):5970-87..

    10. Jeankumar VU, Renuka J, Pulla VK, Soni V, Sridevi JP, Suryadevara P, Shravan M, Medishetti R, Kulkarni P, Yogeeswari P, Sriram D. Development of novel N-linked aminopiperidine-based mycobacterial DNA gyrase B inhibitors: scaffold hopping from known antibacterial leads. Int J Antimicrob Agents.2014 Mar;43(3):269-78.

    11. Saxena S, Devi PB, Soni V, Yogeeswari P, Sriram D. Identification of novel inhibitors against Mycobacterium tuberculosis L-alanine dehydrogenase (MTB-AlaDH) through structure-based virtual screening. J Mol Graph Model.2014 Feb;47:37-43.

    12. Jeankumar VU, Renuka J, Santosh P, Soni V, Sridevi JP, Suryadevara P, Yogeeswari P, Sriram D. Thiazole-aminopiperidine hybrid analogues: design and synthesis of novel Mycobacterium tuberculosis GyrB inhibitors. Eur J Med Chem. 2013;70:143-53.

    13.  Indian patent; Status: Filed; File no: 3167/DEL/2015 Title: Depletion of M. tuberculosis GlmU from Infected Murine Lungs Effects the Clearance of the Pathogen.
    Authors: Vinay K Nandicoori, Vijay Soni, Perumal Yogeeswari and Dharamarajan Sriram.

    More Info.
    Emilia Nunzi
    Deparment of Medicine and Surgery
    University of Perugia

    I am a researcher at the Department of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Perugia. I obtained my PhD in Information Sciences and Technologies from the University of Perugia in 2001, with a dissertation focused on the application of statistics to experimental data on information devices and systems. My research evolved into estimation and detection theory, eventually shifting towards biological and medical sciences. In 2013, I joined the Genomic Center at the University of Perugia. Through participation in international research projects and collaborations, I have gained significant expertise in statistical methods and software tools designed for biomedical research. These solutions were implemented on both local and distributed computing platforms.

    Over the past five years, I have intensively applied data science and machine learning techniques to massive biological datasets, extracting meaningful information through the integration of statistical and probabilistic visualizations. Recently, I have successfully applied these skills to genomic datasets, particularly in targeted sequencing (16S, ITS) and RNA-seq. My research focuses on developing effective techniques for genomic information extraction, emphasizing visualization methods tailored to specific applications. Additionally, I have applied both classical and advanced statistical techniques to enhance the precision of biomedical data parameter estimates, even for small-volume datasets such as those from seronegative elderly or neonatal infants.

    I am currently a highly motivated and skilled bioinformatician with a robust background in genomics, specializing in the analysis of amplicon sequencing data and contributing to cutting-edge scientific advancements.

    Research Interest: In the last ten years her research interests were on the metrological characterization of systems biology devices, remote control of instrumentation for biological data processing, and biostatistics analyses applied to biomedical data, with particular concern to In the last ten years, my research has focused on the metrological characterization of systems biology devices, remote control of instrumentation for biological data processing, and biostatistical analyses applied to biomedical data. This includes the immunogenicity evaluation of influenza vaccines and the diversity and differential analysis of microbiome sequencing data. Specifically, I have developed translational research methodologies in the biomedical field, processing data collected by biomedical devices and instruments. My skills include:

    • Developing reliable decision-making tools using statistical techniques applied to experimental data.
    • Implementing data science and machine learning techniques on big data to extract knowledge and visualize statistical and probabilistic results.
    • Designing algorithms and prototypes for highly reliable fault detection from measurement data acquired through medical instrumentation.
    • Creating algorithms for automatic imaging recognition systems, translating research findings into practical biomedical solutions.

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    Dr. Hiba Riyadh Al-Abodi
    College of Science
    University of Al-Qadisiyah

    Degree: Ph.D. in Biology / zoology

    Birth: / Iraq / 6 - 10 – 1984

    Research Interest: Biology , Zoology , microbiology, parasitology , parasitic diseases, infectious diseases, Biotechnology.


    List of Publications: 33

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    Pedro Crugeira
    Mountain Research Center - Chemistry Department
    Polytechnic Institute of Bragança

    Doctorate in Biotechnology from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) of the Northeast BiotechnologyNetwork (RENORBIO), Master in Biotechnology from UFBA, specialization in innovation and quality from thePortuguese Industrial Association, Degree in Biotechnological Engineering from the Lusófona University ofHumanities and Technologies, Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology by the Higher Institute of Humanities andTechnology. Post-doctorate at the Federal University of Bahia in Biotechnology in the study of photo-stimulation strategies for the production of bioactives included in the project: Sustainable BiotechnologicalAlternatives to Increase the Oil Recovery Factor from Carbonatic Reservoirs, financed by Petrogal. Professionalexperience in the areas of sanitary engineering, industrial biotechnology, environmental biotechnology andmicrobiology. Acting mainly in the following sectors: sanitary, environmental and in the development ofsustainable bioprocesses, to obtain bioactives for industry, involving photo-biomodulation techniques.Production and characterization of photo-stimulated microbial biopolymers reusing industrial co-products.Expertise in research and teaching in the areas of biotechnology, biophotonics, microbiology, chemistry andpharmaceuticals. I currently develop professional activity as a researcher at the Mountain Research Center(CIMO) of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, under the ¿OleaChain¿ project, application code NORTE-06-3559-FSE-000188.

    Research Interests:

    - Biophotomodulation

    - Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy

    - Photostimulation of bioprocesses

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    Gohar Tsakanova
    Laboratory of Human Genomics and Immunomics
    Institute of Molecular Biology NAS RA

    Research Interest: Cardiovascular Diseases, Neurology, Ischemic Stroke, Oxidative Stress, Antioxidant System,Immune System, Inflammation, Synaptic Plasticity, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Two-Photon Microscop.

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    Isidoro Feliciello
    Principal Investigator
    Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery
    University of Naples Federico II

    Research Interest: Molecular Biology of non-coding Repetitive DNA: role of satellite DNAs and their transcripts in genome dynamic.

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    Kevin Omondi Ochwedo
    Department of Biology
    University of Nairobi

    Kevin O. Ochwedo is a molecular biologist with a passion for improving people's health and well-being by participating in programs aimed at malaria transmission reduction and eradication. He is actively involved in genetic epidemiology and entomological studies of parasites and vectors. His most recent publication on Plasmodium falciparum passive surveillance aims to persuade public health policymakers to supplement microscopic examination of blood samples with ultrasensitive diagnostic tools in order to support WHO's strategy of early detection and treatment of malaria patients. This, he believes, will help reduce the large number of untreated patients with false-negative malaria diagnoses who may be acting as a reservoir for P. falciparum transmission to vectors within malaria endemic zones in Sub-Saharan Africa.

    List of Publications:

    1.    Kevin O. Ochwedo., Collince J.  Omondi., Edwin O. Magomere., Julius O. Olumeh., Isaiah Debrah., Shirley A. Onyango., Pauline W. Orondo., Benyl M. Ondeto., Harrysone E. Atieli., Sidney O. Ogolla., John Githure., Antony C. A. Otieno., Andrew K. Githeko., James W. Kazura., Wolfgang R. Mukabana & Guiyun Yan. (2021). Hyper-prevalence of submicroscopic Plasmodium falciparum infections in a rural area of western Kenya with declining malaria cases. (Under review at Malaria Journal).

    2.    Kevin O. Ochwedo., Shirley A. Onyango., Collince J.  Omondi., Pauline W. Orondo., Benyl M. Ondeto., Ming-Chieh Lee., Harrysone E. Atieli., Sidney O. Ogolla., Andrew K. Githeko., Antony C. A. Otieno., Wolfgang R. Mukabana., Guiyun Yan., Daibin Zhong & James W. Kazura. (2022). Signatures of selection and drivers for novel mutation on transmission-blocking vaccine candidate Pfs25 gene in western Kenya. (Under review at PLOS ONE).

    3.    Kevin O. Ochwedo., Fredrick O. Ariri., Sidney O. Ogolla., Wolfgang R. Mukabana., Andrew K. Githeko., Yan Guiyan., Daibin Zhong & James W. Kazura. (2022). High frequency of rare alleles and signatures of selection on immunodominant domains of Pfs230 and Pfs48/45 in western Kenya.

    4.    Debrah, I., Afrane, Y. A., Amoah, L. E., Ochwedo, K. O., Mukabana, W. R., Zhong, D., ... & Yan, G. (2021). Larval ecology and bionomics of Anopheles funestus in highland and lowland sites in western Kenya.

    5.    Orondo, P., Nyanjom, S., Atieli, H., Githure, J., Ondeto, B., Ochwedo, K., ... & Yan, G. (2021). Insecticide Resistance Status of Anopheles Arabiensis in Irrigated and Non-irrigated Areas in Western Kenya.

    6.    Ndwiga, L., Osoti, V., Ochwedo, K. O., Wamae, K., Bejon, P., Rayner, J. C., ... & Ochola-Oyier, L. I. (2021). The Plasmodium falciparum Rh5 invasion protein complex reveals an excess of rare variant mutations. Malaria Journal, 20(1), 1-10.

    7.    Shirley A. Onyango., Kevin O. Ochwedo., Maxwell G. Machani., Collince J. Omondi., Isaiah Debrah., Sidney O. Ogolla., Ming-Chieh Lee., Goufa Zhou., Elizabeth Kokwaro., Yaw A. Afrane., Andrew K. Githeko., James W. Kazura, Daibin Zhong & Guiyun Yan. (2021). Genetic diversity and population structure of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum surface protein Pfs47 in isolates from the lowlands in western Kenya.

    8.    Shirley A. Onyango., Kevin O. Ochwedo., Maxwell G Machani., Collince J. Omondi., Isaiah Debrah., Sidney O. Ogolla., Ming-Chieh Lee., Goufa Zhou., Elizabeth Kokwaro., Yaw Afrane., James W. Kazura., Andrew K. Githeko., Daibin Zhong & Guiyun Yan. (2022). Molecular Characterization and Genotype Distribution of Thioester-containing protein 1 Gene, A Key Regulator of Malaria Transmission in Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes in Western Kenya.

    9.    Benyl M. Ondeto., Xiaoming Wang., Daibin Zhong., Harrysone Atieli., Guofa Zhou., Ming-Chieh Lee., Pauline Orondo., Kevin Ochwedo., Collince J. Omondi., Simon M. Muriu., David Odongo., Horace Ochanda., James Kazura., Andrew Githeko & Guiyun Yan. (2022). Malaria vector bionomics and transmission in irrigated and non-irrigated sites in western Kenya. (Due for submission).

    10.    Collince Jared Omondi, Otambo O Wilfred, David Odongo, Kevin O. Ochwedo, Antony Otieno, Shirley A. Onyango, Pauline Orondo, Benyl M. Ondeto, Ming-Chieh Lee, Daibin Zhong, James W. Kazura, Andrew K. Githeko, & Guiyun Yan (2022). Asymptomatic and submicroscopic Plasmodium infections in an area before and during integrated vector control in Homa Bay, western Kenya.

    11.    Wilfred Ouma Otambo, Julius O. Olumeh, Kevin O. Ochwedo, Edwin O. Magomere, Isaiah Debrah, Collins Ouma, Patrick Onyango, Harrysone Atieli, Chloe Wang, Ming-Chieh Lee, Andrew K. Githeko, Guofa Zhou, John Githure, James W Kazura, Guiyun Yan & Wolfgang R Mukabana (2022). Health care providers practices in diagnosis and treatment of malaria in rural communities in Kisumu County, Kenya.

    Skype ID: kevinochwedo

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    Matthias B Stope
    Pricipal Scientist
    Department of Urology
    University of Greifswald

    Research Interest: Tumor Biology - Progression Factors

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    A. Elshayeb
    University of Khartoum

    As a microbiologist and academic lecturer, I have been working on microorganisms that are related to human and health issues. Relatively, I have been interested in the development of bacteria  resistance against chemotherapeutic  agents  which  is  becoming  an  increasing  problem  specially  the  Multi  Drugs  Resistant Bacteria (MDR), and this had the potential to facilitate more rational thinking about the implementation of Bacteriophages as integrated therapeutically framework. I have been working on the environmental impacts of microorganisms that are related to new industrial issues. Also I have been interested on the microorganisms that inhabit, create, or contaminate food, food-safety and their products which can be used to combat pathogenic microbes. In recent years, much interest has been shown in the use of bacteria as probiotic organisms and their potential for disease prevention in humans and animals.

      Research Interest: Microbiology

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