Open Journal of Bacteriology (OJB) understands the world of researchers and scholars. There are researchers who do not have funds but they have a great passion for innovative investigations. We respect such authors and on a case-by-case basis provide waivers and discounts on APC. The waivers and discounts are also a way to support scholars to publish more in Open Access and to create an unbiased global system of participation in the scholarly publication. We are committed to ensure that authors can publish in any Open Access journal regardless of their economic status. We have established a waiver fund to support full or partial waivers for eligible authors.
All the authors based in the lowest income countries as defined by the World Bank are eligible for APC waivers and discounts. The requests from qualifying authors residing in other countries are also considered for a partial or complete APC waiver. A qualifying author is one who has completed their research without any external financial support and wishes to publish their findings.
We have substantial waiver policies in place for the deserving authors whose university or institution are not providing funding assistance in research or who have lack of financial support from funding agencies. The provision for complete or partial fee waiver depends on the case-by-case basis for the authors. However, the request for waiver is taken into consideration only if the request for a waiver has been sent to the related journal before submission of the manuscript.
The authors desirous for availing waiver should furnish following information along with the request for waiver:
However, we request that those authors who have funding resources contribute actual APC or more so that waiver funds can be increased to help the researchers who lack funding resources.
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