The autofluorescence of fish eggs from the Black Sea Mullus barbatus ponticus Essipov was studied in order to identify the state of their fertilization and development in the ichthyoplankton. The study differed from the earlier genetic fish investigations with artificial fluorescent dyes. In our experiments, among the eggs were the objects with various stages of development: from unfertilized and just-fertilized cells emitted in blue to well-seen embryos that fluoresced in red. Red-fluorescing embryonal probes were peculiar to living eggs, unlike blue-fluorescing cells with damaged structures. The fluorescent method (luminescence microscopy with or without microspectrofluorimetry) allows us to identify the earlier stages of development of the fish eggs. The autofluorescence of the fish eggs of the species studied was possible to recommend for the testing of fertilized and living eggs at the early stages of development that may be applied to the fish industry in the future.
Published on: Mar 7, 2024 Pages: 2-7
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DOI: 10.17352/ams.000042
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