Liliana Aguilar-Marcelino

Senior researcher in INIFAP, Mexico, Dr in Science genetic resources and livestock productivity
Metabolomics Lab
Colegio de Postgraduados
Journal Associated: Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Biochemical Technology Biography:

Biologist by the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos, Mexico.

Master of Science with specialization in animal parasitology by the same university

Doctor of Science in Genetic Resources and Productivity-Livestock by the Postgraduate College.

She is currently a researcher senior (Leader) "C" at the National Center For Disciplinary Research In Animal Health and Safety of the National Institute Of Agricultural and Livestock Forestry Research (INIFAP) since 2008.

His lines of research are:

2)Study of metabolome of edible mushrooms.

3)Study of natural antagonists (protozoa, fungi, mites, bacteria, viruses, insects and predatory nematodes) for biocontrol of agricultural pests and public health.

-He has had four projects as technical responsible for Fiscal Resources of INIFAP and 15 as co-responsible.

-Has had a project of national problems of CONAHCYT (2018-2021)

-He was currently approved a global project of the Mexico-Chile Cooperation Fund by AMEXID and the Chilean Development Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2024-2026).

-Honorary member of the expert group of the National Council of Organic Production of SENASICA, additionally coordinator of the expert group of the livestock area

-Has published:

-191 Research and dissemination articles

-35 chapters

-162 Memoirs at national and international congresses

-He has directed 48 bachelor's theses, 27 master's theses and 6 doctoral theses (in process).

- She is the publisher of 3 world coverage books

- Has registered 4 patents before IMPI as inventor from 2018 to

-Has registered 1 patent before IMPI as co-inventor in

-Currently belongs to the National System of Researchers and Investigators (level 2).

The trajectory of Dr Liliana Aguilar-Marcelino  has been recognized with awards, including:

-Award as director of the winning undergraduate thesis of the 1st. place performed by the IBT. Jesús Antonio Pineda Joy at the “XII National Congress of Mycology” in

-Recognition to the 2nd. place as advisor to the thesis of Juan Carlos Caballero Landa in the 13th state colloquium of young talents in research (CONAHCYT)

-The medal to the professional merit “Juan Luis Cifuentes Lemus” by the Mexican Federation of the College of Biologists A.C. in 2022.

Recognition for his professional trajectory in the field of biology to the service of morelense society by the UAEM in

- “Recognition to the State Merit of Research” (REMEI) 2022, in the subject of Technology-Scientific Research and Innovation by the Government of the State of Morelos

-Medal “Emiliano Zapata Salazar” in its 2023 edition, in the category "Publications and Research in Agricultural Matters" by the Government of the State of Morelos.

-The Dra. Aguilar was appointed group leader of the INIFAP delegation to attend the “Juncao technology for Mexico” training course held at Fujian University of Agriculture and Forestry in China in the year, 2023, highlighting in the program the applications of the edible mushrooms in the agricultural sector.


Research Interest: Omics, metabolomics, natural products, biocontrol
